
I'll Always Think Of You

No Ordinary Dummies
Preview: 0:00 / 0:00 | Original: 4:13
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I'll Always Think Of You
They say nostalgia, ain't what it used to be
But that's not true for me.
Because I long for those times when we were free
And we could say: "hello"
In the town I used to know

I'll always think of you
With everything I do
The way you used to be
Now that it's history

A faded photograph
Evokes a bitter laugh
Sometimes it seems a shame
That nothing stays the same.

The old man who is pointing to
A space up in the air.
Says: "see that spot above that lot?
I used to live right there."

Yes, they're tearing down all our favorite buildings with no good reason. It's like 'Rubble Without a Cause."
Yes, there was a time in Montreal, where I come from, where in the downtown area there were great night clubs, with names like the Stork Club, the Patriote, the Esquire Showbar, the Cafe de l'est, where you could see Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett perform.
Yes, it's true. Do you remember? Do you remember when beer bottles were round and stubby? Now we're round and stubby.
Yes, it was an era where you could see 20 guys all playing together on stage at the same time. Nowadays, you're lucky if you get two.

I'll always think of you
The town I somehow knew
I see it everywhere
As though it was still there.

The way the world was then
Seems like a heaven.
And when I'm gone, you know
That's where I hope to go.
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