
The Issue Of Public Health

Preview: 0:00 / 0:00 | Original: 1:17
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The Issue Of Public Health
I'd like to tackle the issue of public health.
There have been a lot of cutbacks in public health.
Of course, that's nothing new at the Jewish General Hospital.
But for the most part...
Cheap joke. Why not?
I know a little about medicine.
I'm not the kind of guy who thinks barium is what doctors do when a patient dies.
I'm a little bit more sophisticated than that.
I'm not the kind of guy who thinks a caesarean section is a salad bar in a restaurant.
You are. You are sophisticated.
I'm versed in medicine.
Well, versed in medicine.
I'm not the kind of guy who thinks that nitrates are cheaper than day rates.
Or your plastic surgeon is one who uses a credit card.
So I've learned a little bit about it.
But we do feel that in the area of public health there have been a lot of cutbacks
and that it's making people nervous.
So we'd like to do something now to help you relax.
I'd like to do a song about anaesthetists.
We think it's a knockout.
So if you'll just count backwards slowly from 100, we'll begin.
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