
Tough Crowd

Preview: 0:00 / 0:00 | Original: 2:37
We have synchronized lyrics for this track, karaoke play is available. Let's party!
Tough Crowd
We're a tough crowd, we're Canadians.
We really just don't care
Although the referendum gave us quite a scare
We flew in for the rally
Full of love then
But now that it's all over, we'll ignore it all again.

We won't worry about the country falling apart until after the country falls apart.

Because we're tough, we're tough
We're very, very tough.
We're tough, we're tough
We're very, very tough.

We're a tough crowd, we're Canadians.
We're tough as leather boots.
We send our army into war, and tell them not to shoot.
The Canadian soldier is the toughest in the world.
K.D. Lang is the army's pin-up girl.

Now that's tough!
Everybody sing along now.

We're tough, we're tough, we're very, very tough.
We're tough, we're tough, we're very, very tough.

Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I don't want to sing. We don't want to sing.
You do the singing!
We paid for our seats.
You just get up there and do your show and we're going to sit here.
We're just going to sit here, and you do your singing, Mr. Fred Penner.
Mr. Raffi, Mr. Singalong, Tickle Trunk, Mr. Sharon Lewis, and Peter, Paul, and Mary.
Because we don't need comedians. We got our MPs in the house of comics.
That's right.

We're a tough crowd, we're a tough crowd
The worst you've ever seen.
Boy we wouldn't be impressed if you could fart "God Save the Queen."
And if you keeled over and had a heart attack
Well, we'd just turn to each other and we'd say
"That was the best part of the act!"
That's right.

We're tough, we're tough, we're very, very tough.
We're tough, we're tough, we're very, very tough.
That's right.
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