
The Main

Schwartz's The Musical
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The Main
The Main

Why is St. Lawrence called The Main? The history books simply don't explain
Is it really that hard to say Saint Lawrence Boulevard?
Could that be why they called it The Main?
Why is St. Lawrence called the Main? You'll hear it as a popular refrain
I've tried correcting people but they simply won't abstain
From calling Rue St. Lawrence, The Main

Why is St. Lawrence called The Main? Someone must have given it this name
Who the heck started it - who should we blame?
Why is St. Lawrence called The Main?
Why is St. Lawrence called The Main? The question's asked again and again
Nobody ever answers it, it's really quite a pain
Why is St. Lawrence The Main?

What starts at the dock, takes about two hours to walk from the bottom to the top?
- The Main!
Goes through Little Italy, to Riviere de Prairie - There's an awful lot to see
- The Main!
You'll pass along the way, Club Soda - Frites Doree, the Just For Laughs Cabaret
- The Main!
Go on a shopping binge, see a show at The Fringe, don't step on that old syringe
- The Main!

Let's make a toast to The Main, it's given us the most, has The Main
You can have fun, maybe find romance
Failing that - buy a new pair of pants!
It's very Grandiose, is the Main. Sometimes very gross, is the Main
It's somewhere to come from, it's somewhere to go
Let's make a toast to the Main

It's called the Main because that used to be its name
From the olden days when it was just a lane
It went straight across the island and then back again
Directly to the spot that was discovered by Champlain
It was the main road - the main vein
The centuries have flown but still the memories remain
The main thing is the Main is still the Main - The Main!
words and music by George Bowser and Rick Blue
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