
One More Step Reprise

Schwartz's The Musical
Preview: 0:00 / 0:00 | Original: 4:23
One More Step Reprise
One More Step Reprise

First it went dark as night, that's when I saw the light
I saw my whole life pass before me
Now I believe in peace and love and grace from above
And all that girly stuff that just used to bore me

I will give stuff away, and I won't make people pay
No longer will I beg steal and borrow
I won't think only of me, and I'll give to charity
Starting ... a week from tomorrow!

One more step, take my hand
Lead us to the Promised Land
One more step, take my hand
Lead us to the Promised Land

Everybody understands, things were getting out of hand
And everyone was feeling blue-ish
We need someone to make sure, that we all will endure
Preferably somebody Jewish

We're about to know if we're going to have to go
And make up a new resume now
With a stroke of the pen we'll be safe once again
And we're all only moments away now

One more step, take that pen
We shall all be free again
One more step, take that pen
We shall all be free again

They never found the gold beyond the rainbow
They never did discover El Dorado
There's no point searching for the Garden of Eden
This is the garden of feeding

Madame C: Congratulations, Hy Diamond, you are now the new
owner of Schwartz's. And I'm off to see my sausage man in Buenos Aires.

One more step, take my hand
Lead us to the Promised Land
One more step, take my hand
Lead us to the Promised Land
words and music by George Bowser and Rick Blue
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