
What Do You Want?

Schwartz's The Musical
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What Do You Want?
What Do You Want?

When other girls wanted a pony
I thought that was immature
Though I wanted to ride in style
So I didn't want a pony - I wanted a chauffeur
To whisk me round and set me down and open my door with a smile
When an army of suits stands up and salutes wherever I'm flyin'
When a team of accountants keeps track of the mountains of things that I'm buyin
When I've wheeled and I've dealed and I've everything Mila has except Brian
Then I'll be happy, that's for sure

What do you want?
There's a question you may ask.
So many things come to mind.
I guess I'm just the same as most people,
I want to be respected and have success.
So is it just as plain as that?
Yes it is just as plain as that.

I find I have an opportunity right now
To do something that is big.
And if I can get in on the ground floor
I know that all my hard work will pay off.
So is it just as plain as that?
-Yes it is just as plain as that.

What do you want? What do you really want?

OK, maybe some happiness would be quite nice.
Contentment, and some fun.
But they will all be possible later,
When I have finished with this particular quest.
So is it just as plain as that?
Yes it is just as plain as that.

What do you want? What do you really want?
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