
The Blues Bird

Preview: 0:00 / 0:00 | Original: 4:20
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The Blues Bird
Alas, my love, you do me wrong
To cast me off discourteously.
And I have loved you so long
Delighting in your company.

I claim my turf with my bird call.
If it wasn't for the blues, I'd have nothing at all.
I sing treble and bass and in between.
Nobody knows the trebles I've seen.
There are no bad notes so don't be afraid.
Blue notes are just ... differently played.

I am the blues bird
You can be a blues bird too.
If you learn how to sing the blues
It'll cure what's wrong with you.

These blues to which you've referred
Can they only be sung by a bird?
Are the blues solo? Are the blues choral?
Is the blues singular? Are the blues plural?
Do you sing the blues because you suffer deep?
Or because you're a bird and so life is

I'm blue-blooded.
Well, that's a start.
Come on, blues bird, tell me the news.
How does a blue blood sing the blues?

Well, I realize that I'm a bit repressed.
- A bit?
But I have a lot of pain and it needs to be expressed.
- Do it!
My baby done left me alone.
And I made a fool of myself on the telephone.
- Tell it!
She had an affair with her writing instructor.
He taught her how to ride and then he ... wrote a book about it.

We've got the royal blues.
We are not amused.
We shall sing it again.
Love is a royal pain.

And I feel a proper Charlie.

Thank you, birdie, for showing me the way.
- Thank you, Charlie, for coming here to play.
You've shown how the blues can help me.
- You're now a member of the blues community.
I feel almost like one of the Hoi Polloi. Almost, not quite.
I feel a certain kinship with those dreadful people that I have to rule.
I feel a sudden urge to reach out and touch someone, but I've managed to contain it this time.
By King George, I think I've got it!
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