
The Key of 'Eh?'

Preview: 0:00 / 0:00 | Original: 2:55
We have synchronized lyrics for this track, karaoke play is available. Let's party!
The Key of 'Eh?'
We'd like to do a song in the Canadian key. The key of A.

After saying something,
Americans say: "huh?"
And if you go to France
You'll hear them say: "n'est-ce pas?"
Teenagers, okay? Make a statement, okay?
And then they go, "okay?"
But in Canada, every thought
Is followed with an: "Eh?"

This 'a' we utter
Where does it come from?
It isn't 'A' as in vitamin
Or 'a' as in Atom bomb.

It doesn't indicate the grade
For which students sweat.
In fact, it has nothing to do
With the alphabet.

But it separates the "we" from the "they."
From Vancouver to St. John's to Hudson's Bay.
You can drink a coke or drive a Chevrolet.
But you're Canadian if you say A.

It's a verbal indiscretion
An involuntary yelp.
It's more than just an 'A'
It's a cry for help

We always add an "eh"
When we have a point to make.
To check that you're still listening
Or indeed are still awake.

The A word and the F word
Canadians will say,
Sometimes both together
As in "fuckin' A."

Quebecers say, "Ayoille"
As an expression of dismay.
And if you're French and Jewish
You might say, "Ayoille - vey"

Why do we always put an 'A'
At the end of everything we say?
It's a law we all seem to obey.
And when we do it, we give ourselves away.
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