
Money and the Ethnic Vote

Preview: 0:00 / 0:00 | Original: 1:22
We have synchronized lyrics for this track, karaoke play is available. Let's party!
Money and the Ethnic Vote
Money and the ethnic vote
Money and the ethnic vote
It ended on a sour note
Money and the ethnic vote

Jacques' ungracious speech
Made him an unwanted man
The only job he could get right now
Is Grand Dragon of the Klu Klux Klan

It's amazing how your fortunes
So suddenly can turn
On Halloween our premiere
Jecame a Jacques o' lantern

When he went to Bermuda
To suntan his potbelly
We ethnics got our revenge
We sent his luggage to Delhi

Money and the ethnic vote
Money and the ethnic vote
It's always the same scapegoat,
Money and the ethnic vote
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