
Heartbreak Nortel

The Illustrated Canadian Songbook
Preview: 0:00 / 0:00 | Original: 3:29
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Heartbreak Nortel
Since my money left me
I found a new place to dwell
On the corner of lowly street at
Heartbreak Nortel
I feel low

Nortel has exploded
The TSC balloon
There's a whole lot of Canadians
Who won't be retiring soon
We feel low

Heartbreak Nortel
If you didn't sell

I didn't sell at 60
At 50, I didn't stir
I got out at 13 bucks,
well ... duh!

We were talking fiber-optics
And high-tech instruments
And now we're talking savings banks
And two-and-a-half percent
Aren't we prudent ..

Hey Ricky, Ricky
Tonight is my bridge night
No, jumping
You hear about the bulls and the bears? Well, there's me, the jackass
Somebody told me that if you'd spent a hundred bucks on Nortel, and a hundred bucks on beer a year ago
Today, you'd have nine dollars of Nortel and ten dollars of empties
They told me that
But hey, but hey, but hey
They're having a Nortelethon
Yes, operators are standing by to take the rest of your freaking money

But they haven't gone out of business
That stock will rise again
It'll go up to a hundred bucks
And we'll be dead by then
Heartbreak, Nortel
Heartbreak, if it didn't sell

Blow it, Ricky
I did
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