
Bald Is Beautiful

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Bald Is Beautiful
When I was just a baby, I recall,
I had no hair upon my head at all
My granddad saw me crying
And he sat me on his knee.
He said: "I'm as bald as you are, Ricky
And one day you will see
Bald is beautiful, bald is beautiful,
Bald is beautiful, bald is beautiful.

Brothers and sisters, I have learned baldness is not an absence of hair, it's a presence of head.
When the sun is glinting on that dome, sir, you are a beacon sending out universal human love to all creation.
Because you are free, free from the bondage of the barber shop and the slavery of the salon.
You have brushed off your brush, you have no use for mousse, you are through with shampoo.
Come and sing with me now, sir, come up and sing the song, God bless you.

Bald is beautiful, bald is beautiful
Bald is beautiful, bald is beautiful

So when people look down their noses
And they say: "who parted your hair, Moses?"
Don't be ashamed of that bald spot
Be proud of every hair you haven't got.

Because after all, baldness is a great, great honor
To be amongst Kojak and Sinead O'Connor.
We always knew we were the cream of the crop
Now we've proved it, we've come out on top.
Sing with me,

Bald is beautiful, bald is beautiful
Bald is beautiful, bald is beautiful
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