We're Very Patriotic
Thank you very much.
We seem like we're really patriotic and we're waving a flag a lot.
Because we are, we're very proud to be Canadian, one of the proudest moments we had last year.
... Thank you, thank you.
It's true. One of the proudest moments we experienced last year was going to Nagano to play for
the Olympic team.
Naga No? That was a provocation. Nagano. It should have been Naga - Oui
We can't get rid of this guy.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I don't know if you read about it, but we were right in the
center of that whole controversy. We hosted the reception at the Canadian Pavilion
where indeed we tested positive ... for English.
We tried to explain that it was just because we had been in a room where people had been
speaking English around us.
So anyway, anyway, we had a lot of fun and we met some great guys, you might have heard
of them.
They won a gold medal.