First the Hockey, Then the Beer
You and I, we make no claim
To be in the hockey hall of fame
We don't play in a career league
We play in a beer league
First the hockey, then the beer
It's a great tradition here
Sweaty bodies, smelly gear
First the hockey, then the beer
We are dedicated
We never count the cost
We practiced today at lunchtime
And we lost
Three periods of hockey
Can lead to total dehydration
That's why every player needs
Beer to mouth resuscitation
First the hockey, then the beer
It's a great tradition here
Sweaty bodies, smelly gear
First the hockey, then the beer
Tell you about our team ...
Our center, he's off center
Especially his aim
Sometimes he likes to fake a shot
Mostly he fakes the whole darn game
Then he complains that the line he's on
Is like one of them helicopter things
And it ain't because it flies
It's because it seems to have no wings
Our goalie, he acts like he's holy
You think he had been chosen
It's like he walks on water
Well he does, but that's cause it's frozen
Our defense, they're big guys
They really get around
They're so big that when they skate backwards
I swear you can hear this sound
"beep, beep, beep ..."
First the hockey, then the beer
It's a great tradition here
Sweaty bodies, smelly gear
First the hockey, then the beer
Beer and hockey, beer and hockey
Go together like a horse and jockey
Father said to mother
You can't have one without the other
Our locker room after a game
It's full of cheer and laughter
We think hockey's a religion
And we believe in a beer after
Yeah, we don't care who won the game
That's not important here
We don't ask: "who scored the goals?"
We say: "who brought the beer?"
First the hockey, then the beer
It's a great tradition here
Sweaty bodies, smelly gear
First the hockey, then the beer