
Ten Things Your Wife Will Never Say

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Ten Things Your Wife Will Never Say
For the sake of a quality now, just a little something for the guys, because we're married.
Not to each other, I just want to point that out, you know?
Although we could get a government grant if we were, you know?
Anyway, everybody has their own top 10 list.
We concocted ours from our life.
It's the top 10 things you'll never hear your wife say to you.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, top 10 things you'll never hear your wife say to you, number 10.
- No, you have all the bed covers, I'll be fine.
Things you'll never hear from your wife, number 9.
- Every time you tell that joke, it gets better.
Things you'll never hear your wife say to you, number 8.
- Never mind me, your work is more important.
Things you'll never hear your wife say to you, number 7.
- Why don't you invite your friends over more often?
Things you'll never hear your wife say to you, number 6.
- That beer belly makes you look distinguished.
Things you'll never hear your wife say to you, number 5.
- Get a whiff of that one.
Things you won't hear your wife say to you, number 4.
- Don't get up.
Things you'll never hear your wife say to you, number 3.
- My parents are coming over tonight. Why don't you go out drinking with your buddies?
Things you won't hear your wife say to you, number 2.
- Oh, I see you're reading the paper, I'll leave you alone.
Okay, the things you'll never hear your wife say to you, number 1.
- Skip through all the TV channels again, I find it soothing.
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