
Things Your Husband Will Never Say

Pull My Finger
Preview: 0:00 / 0:00 | Original: 2:05
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Things Your Husband Will Never Say
Things you'll never hear your husband say, number ten.
- There's something different about you. I noticed it right away.
Things you'll never ever hear your husband say, number nine.
- I'll have a white wine spritzer too.
Things you'll never hear your husband say, number eight.
- Gee, I never knew that looking at color swatches could be so interesting.
Things you'll never ever hear your husband say, number seven.
- No, sometimes I just like to be held.
Things you'll never ever hear your husband say, number six.
- Let's rent 'Bridges of Madison County' again.
Things you'll never ever hear your husband say, number five.
- Tell our dinner guests about when you gave birth.
Things you'll never ever hear your husband say, number four.
- I'm depressed. Let's go shopping.
Things you'll never hear your husband say, number three.
- She's cute, but I think her boobs are too big.
Things you'll never hear your husband say, number two.
- Talk to me.
Finally, in the Bowser and Blue List of the Things You Will Never Ever Hear Your Husband Say, this is number one.
- You drive. You're better at it.

Pull My Finger

Bowser & Blue

11 songs | 31:0 Released 2004

Includes the title song, and Kevin 'Bloody' Wilson's Christmas classic, 'Hey, Santa Claus!' Recorded live.

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