
I Grew Up in the Country (spoken)

She Wants Me
Preview: 0:00 / 0:00 | Original: 1:36
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I Grew Up in the Country (spoken)
Whenever I'm in the country, I'm reminded of love, and it reminds me when I was a kid and I was walking.
I was raised in the country, I was brought up in the country. Rick on the other hand was reared in Toronto.
He was reared in Toronto.
I like to remember those times when I walked, I was 10 or 11 years old, walking through the fields with my little girlfriend and I saw a cow on a bull and they were joined intimately.
And I said: "I'd like to do that." So she says: "go ahead. It looks like a friendly cow."
Yeah, love. So anyway, I'm going to play a little banjo song now, which is interesting because I've never done that before.
Let's see how it goes. It reminds me when I first performed with a bunch of school kids.
I played the piano, we sang some songs. My father was in the audience, and after the show, my father came up to me and said: "George, I didn't know you couldn't play the piano."
A lot of support there. I think you have a few issues still.
Hence the comedy. So a song about my dog. And when you call a dog, it goes like this ...
Well, I love dogs.
With a name like Bowser ... like I have a choice.
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